Josh FREED – Writer(s): Josh FREED
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Have you been queuing up somewhere lately? Felt stressed, irritated or bored? We lose precious time to say nothing of our temper and sense of humour in queues, incl. in phone line-ups! Which queue to choose? Can we leave a queue and hope to claim "our" place afterwards? Incidentally, never go for the "fast" check-out line, they are slower (proved by maths)!
Humans have different “queue habits”: Neat and orderly British queues, the more chaotic ones in India, quirky Montreal queues ... Are line-ups just part of the human condition or can we find the secret to “The Taming of the Queue”? Click here and discover all about the art of "the orderly British queue"!
"Like any film by Freed, The Taming of the Queue is a must see... a film you will want to watch again and share with friends." Richard Lanoie, The Reviews Page
"...tune into the brilliant new TV documentary The Taming Of The Queue. Josh Freed has got it almost perfect in his funny and sad quest to show why most of us spend about two years of our lives lining up." James Bawden, TV critic. Click here to read the full article!