Director(s): Nicolas FRANK, Camille JUZA, Eve MINAULT, Etienne DE CLERCK, Matthias VAYSSE Contact Print page
Many great construction projects touch upon the national heritage and, invariably, opinions vary and debates are heated !
The famous Mont Saint Michel in Normandy, classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage, is no exception. Since April 2012, the visitors’ circuit has been totally reprganised based on a project initiated 20 years earlier which aims to prevent silting of the ‘Mont’. This radical change and its consequences on local business, the population and not least the tourists have unleashed heated debate!
Passions also ran high in Bordeaux, but not over wine… it's the new banks along the Garonne river. And we take the high ground in the Space Centre in French Guiana that regularly sends rockets into space.
So, fasten your seat belts for the 3rd series of MAJOR CONSTRUCTION WORKS in 2013!
The episodes :
• Mont Saint Michel: Saved From the Waters
(eps.1 / Matthias Vaysse)
• Bordeaux and The Banks of the Garonne
(eps.2/ Nicolas Frank)
• Rance Tidal Power Station: Made in Rance
(eps.3/ Etienne de Clerck)
• The Ile de Ré Bridge: A Potential Peninsula
(eps.4/ Eve Minault)
• La Hague, Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant: French Fission
(eps.5 / Eve Minault)
• Kourou, Guiana Space Centre: Let It Rock !
(eps.6/ Etienne le Clerck)