Director(s): Carine LEFEBVRE-QUENNELL – Writer(s): Véronique LE BILLON Contact Print page
Gene, Joe, Thelma and Andrea are « senior workers » living in the state of Ohio. We met them at their place of work: a cosmetic factory, an up-market supermarket, a metal pressing workshop and a large fun fair.
Others, like Irene, are currently job hunting. At the age of 63, she attended a training course in order to improve her chances. John, a travelling sales man aged 79, spends his time on the road chasing new contracts.
These « senior jobs » are neither a true choice nor sheer necessity. They might be a means to keep social contacts, a much needed supplement to a low pension or a way to access health care. Meeting these men and women, their employers and families, throws light onto a highly complex reality. What place does work occupy in our lives ?
Taking the US model as an example, this film looks at the value of « work » as opposed to the value of « rest & recreation ». Two notions perpetually at odds with each other: do we merely work to live or do we live to enjoy and prosper in our work?