Marion WEGROWE – Writer(s): Marion WEGROWE
Françoise Dolto (1908 – 1988) was a French doctor and psychoanalyst, famous for her research on babies and childhood. Through her therapeutic work with babies, she revolutionised our vision of children and childhood.
Dolto created or inspired the creation of a variety of places which were geared to welcoming and assisting children and their parents. Those who have either directly worked with her or have been inspired by her are continuing her work in this field and put her ideas into practice. Psychoanalysts, psychologists, day nurseries, school directors or educators… all of them follow her ideas and continue to enrich and further develop her theories in our approach to children.
In this series, we’ll be visiting a number of these “places” which have produced astonishing results by addressing babies and toddlers directly through the spoken word, Or a visit to centre for troubled adolescents who have broken ties with society and find here a place were they are listened to and spoken to…
The episodes:
1- rethinking school
2- the “green house”
3- adolescents with a cause