Anaïs SPIRO, Olivier SPIRO – Writer(s): Olivier SPIRO
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His “character” is inspired by the memoirs and letters left behind by the real soldiers. In fact, what do we really know of the lives of the Revolutionary military, of those men who became soldiers in Napoleon’s famous Grande Armée?
Pierre and his fellow associates take us back, right into the heart of period and the midst of the battle.
December 2005 : four thousand men and women gathered in the Czech Republic. They came from the four corners of the earth to commemorate the bi-centenary of the Battle of Austerlitz. They are all members of historical associations who have been celebrating the Napoleonic myth and his epic battles since the 1970.
The documentary Soldiers’ Memoirs of Napoleon’s Grande Armée looks at the daily life of those men and women who fought their way through both, the Revolution and the Empire…
AVAILABLE FOR SCREENING: French version only.