Director(s): Jean-François DELASSUS – Writer(s): Jean-François DELASSUS Contact Print page
We tend to look at history in a linear form: following the rise and fall of the Roman Empire or the Egyptian pharaohs, looking at fragments of history, disconnected from each other.
Rarely does a programme look at history in a horizontal form, setting the great civilisations side by side at a given period of time. “The Times of the Roman Empire” goes back in time visiting some of the great civilisations that flourished around the first century AD and setting them side-by-side. Not just around the Mediterranean, but in China, India, the Near East and Central America.
Was one of them ahead of the other? Did they know of each other? How – if ever – did they influence each other? An exciting, entertaining journey back and forth in time that gives a new meaning to the notion of “history revisited”!
AVAILABLE FOR SCREENING: French version only